AmiFeed is an additional free feature available in our EtaTrader. It will be enabled on request from client.
Please note, neither AmiFeed is a full fledged data plugin nor substitute for authorized data plugins. Neither we are authorized data vendor nor the real-time data is streamed from our servers.
Though AmiFeed can be used for Live Charting and Trading, but we recommend it for beginners to get his/her hands on real-time charting and for back-testing/debugging AFL codes.
For real trading, we recommend subscribing data from authorized data vendors.
AmiFeed does not use any dedicated data plugin, it simply feeds the real-time data received on web-socket to AmiBroker using the DDE plugin and ASCII import provided by AmiBroker.
AmiFeed does not support automatic back-filling as it is not a complete data-plugin, but historical data from trading API can be imported using ASCII wizard.
Quote update speed in AmiFeed is at-par with the authorized data plugin, user can add as many symbols as they want subject to API and AmiBroker limit.
1. API Subscription from Zerodha/Upstox
2. AmiBroker Installed
3. EtaTrader Installed
For AmiFeed Setup and troubleshooting, please refer our help guide.