If you setup a new cloud server, you must change the default password. You can follow the below steps to set your new password.
1. Login to your windows server using Remote Desktop.
2. Open Run window using keyboard shortcut (WinKey + R) or use search.
3. Enter the below command in Run and press OK.
4. Local Users and Groups Management console
- Select ‘Users’
- This will show up list of Users
- Select the User for whom you are going to set password. In the example, we are going to set password for user ‘Administrator’
- Right click on the selected user and Select ‘Set Password’
5. A warning will be shown, since this is your new server you can safely proceed. If you have associated any private keys/certificates or have any encrypted data associated with the user, please do not set password using this option.
Click on ‘Proceed’ to set password.
This will open up password window where you can enter your new password and confirm password and press OK to change password.
Please remember your new password, if you forgot there is no way to retrieve it.