(If you want to login immediately to place orders you can do manual login as mentioned here and update chromedriver after market hours)
For API login process, we have integrated Chrome automation through Selenium WebDriver and ChromeDriver.
Chrome automation will work only when Chrome and Chrome driver are having same version. This means whenever Chrome updated, you have to manually download the latest ChromeDriver and update in your system.
How to know 'When to update'
The Chrome login window doesn’t open OR open and closes instantly. You can check the WEBCONTROLLER logs to know the exact reason.
For EtaTrader users,
C:\Program Files\EtaTrader Zerodha\WEBCONTROLLER_LOGS_[DDMMYYYY].txt
C:\Program Files\EtaTrader Upstox\WEBCONTROLLER_LOGS_[DDMMYYYY].txt
C:\Program Files\EtaTrader Samco\WEBCONTROLLER_LOGS_[DDMMYYYY].txt
C:\Program Files\EtaTrader Alice\WEBCONTROLLER_LOGS_[DDMMYYYY].txt
*As required
For Excel Users,
For Custom App Users,
*[DDMMYYYY] = Today’s Date
Steps to Update Chromedriver.exe
- Note down the Chrome version (Ex: 85.x.xxxx.xx, version –> 85. Complete if any pending update)
- Close Excel/AmiBroker/EtaTrader/Custom App if running
- Download the Chrome driver, go to the below link
Check for matching version and download the chromedriver_win32.zip (Ex: If Chrome version 85, then look for 85.xx, if you find multiple releases for the same version, then download the latest one) - Extract the downloaded zip file to a folder
- Copy and Replace the chromedriver.exe in the below folders
Folders to Copy:
C:\Windows\SysWOW64 (if exists)
C:\Program Files\EtaTrader Zerodha
C:\Program Files\EtaTrader Upstox
C:\Program Files\EtaTrader Samco
C:\Program Files\EtaTrader Alice
*As required
Please refer the below images. (version shown in the below images are just an Example)